Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Independent Component 2


“I,  Daren Lugo, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”

(b) I used all my interviews in order to get an idea of what I would be focusing on in my videos.

(c) Component 2 hours have been logged.

(d) I have story-boarded, scripted, filmed, edited, and re-edited multiple commercials in order to convey my answers through the use of the camera.

(e) With the amount of time and effort I put into these videos, I think it is proof that I have definitely done my 30 hours. It allowed me to show examples of my first two primary answers which are communication and education in optometry. I added a bit of humor to my videos in order to make it relatable to the audience I have aimed for. My friend, Brianna Moreno, can vouch for me as she did help me film my commercials over the last two months.

(f)How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.

This project allowed me to get a better idea of what educating and communicating with a patient looked like from the outside in. It also allowed me to travel into the mind of a patient while scripting it. Of course it didn't come out as I hoped it would, at least not all of the videos, but I still did my best and had fun learning while making it. 
This is the mess I made after all the work that was done. Scripts, storyboard, film schedule, and notes. You can ask me for the folder full all these things if you need to. 

Here are just some of the videos I put together for my independent component. Enjoy. 

Grading Criteria

Log on a digital spreadsheet under Senior Project Hours
Evidence of 30 hours of work
Blog explaining and defending significance of component

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blog 21 - Interview 4 Reflection

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?

The most important thing I learned from interview is that above all it is very important that people understand each other. Whether it be patient to doctor or doctor to staff, all of it has meaning and is so very important for a practice to function correctly. Working with kids is very similar to working with adults. I learned that fear of the unknown is something that can be helped. 

  2. How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

This interview has given quite a bit of food for thought. I believe this interview was very important because it allowed me to see things from an outside perspective. Yes, therapy and psychology is another field or area of expertise, but you wouldn't believe how important these things are when it comes to working with patients and people in general.